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New Zealand Sarah 2004-01-15
TranSGeniKBot visited one of my sites... was it looking for music? or something else. Please reply.
Italy pedro 2004-01-13
France Bruno Fergani 2004-01-13
Salut les z'amis !

Votre bot (TranSGeniKBot ( est passé aspirer mon site cette nuit. Vous êtes en train de monter un nouveau Google ou quoi? LOL Sinon, cool votre site et les tracks !

0 Tim Bray 2004-01-12
Your bot is reading my whole site, coming from somewhere at, I wonder why?
France Sténye 2003-12-22
Z'avez un site de ouf !! me suis éclatée a lire la rubrik c'est quoi ...surtout ke j'ai pas trouvé la mienne ... "intello" expdrrrr ..sinon bonne zik .. :o) bonne continuation ....
Switzerland starfrosch 2003-12-15
More than music
United States Royce Larkins 2003-12-15
The ultimate musician artist development network and community on the Web. Formalize your approach to the music industry and drastically increase your chances of getting the right record deal!
France sAnZo 2003-12-04
Merci les gars!!!
Vous etes extra
Bonne chance pr la suite
Israel yossi 2003-11-30
nice site indeed!
Argentina abhorrence 2003-11-23
Great site! Thanx!
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